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Main European Projects


Published on 9 July 2024

CEA-Leti at the heart of European innovation 

Europe is facing an environmental and digital transition in which CEA-Leti plays an active role, by developing a corpus of key digital technologies, making the most of micro- and nanotechnologies. In line with the strategy of the European Commission to improve citizens' quality of life, to help in the digital transition of European businesses while minimizing their carbon footprint, CEA-Leti is involved in more than 100 collaborative European projects and initiatives. This involvement is part of its strategy in terms of research, development and diffusion of new technologies for the benefit of enterprises, not only in the microelectronics sector, but also in telecommunications, automotive, aeronautics, health, and advanced manufacturing.

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European projects 2020-2021

European projects 2016-2017 

European projects 2015