CEA-Leti, a key player in technological research, among its local partners
Located in Grenoble (France), the world's fifth most innovative city according to Forbes Magazine, CEA-Leti is a key player in the international nanoelectronics sector. Active since the 19th century, Grenoble's technological hub derives its attractiveness, competitiveness and dynamism from a historic alliance between higher education, research and industry. Grenoble's players continue to innovate in synergy to build a better world and to overcome future challenges in the fields of health, mobility, digital transition, energy and many others. CEA-Leti is a key player. Its local partners include:

| Grenoble Innovation for Advanced New Technologies (GIANT) is an alliance of 8 partners forging new links between higher education, research and industry to strengthen the technological breakthroughs that will shape our future social and economic gains.

| Imagined by CEA-Leti Director Jean Therme in 1999,
MINATEC is a micro- and nano-technology "innovation campus" and is unique in Europe. MINATEC brings together researchers, manufacturers and students on a 20 hectare site. It provides them with outstanding technical resources, while offering a framework conducive to creating tomorrow's innovations.

| MINALOGIC is the worldwide competitiveness cluster for digital technologies in France's Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. This vital hub accompanies its members in their innovation and growth projects. The technologies, products and services developed by ecosystem players are aimed at every business sector (ICT, health, energy, future factories, etc.) and embrace the entire digital value chain by combining micro-nanoelectronics, photonics and software engineering. Minalogic now has over 300 members (including 270 companies).

| In the ICT sector,
IRT Nanoelec leads a technological development and promotion program that provides direct benefits to companies, in particular small and medium size enterprises. IRT Nanoelec was launched on April 11 2012 with the signing of an agreement between French National research agency ANR and CEA, which upholds IRT Nanoelec via Leti. IRT Nanoelec's activities focus on technologies, which enhance the performance characteristics of integrated circuits and offer new functionalities.

| Thanks to its network of more than 300 experts,
OMNT conducts a continuous scientific watch over key micro- and nano-technology topics. OMNT provides research and world economic stakeholders with analyses essential to deciphering and evaluating developments as early as possible.

| The Multidisciplinary Institute in Artificial Intelligence aims to conduct research in artificial intelligence at the highest level, to offer attractive courses for students and professionals of all levels, to support innovation in large companies, SMEs and startups and to inform and interact with citizens on all aspects of AI.

Startups created by CEA-Leti: as a
true catalyst of innovation, CEA-Leti works hand in hand with the whole value chain and local industrial semi-conductor and electronics fabric from the start-up to the multinational company. CEA-Leti has prompted creation of no less than 60 start-ups! Some have experienced rapid development, like Soitec, a company specialized in the design and production of innovative substrates, which currently employs more than 1,000 people. Beyond metropolitan France, CEA-Leti stand out with its many industrial and academic partnerships in Europe, across the Atlantic and in Asia.
Learn more about CEA-Leti startup program and our startups:

Strategic Committee of Industry (CSF) "Electronics Industries" : As a transverse and key pillar to achieve the digital revolution and the French energy transition, the electronics industry forms the true industrial bedrock of an ever more smart and connected world. It lies at the heart of the French industrial dynamic and represents an important vector for the competitiveness of the industry. It is also one of the keystones of our national strategic and economic sovereignty as it enables our technological independence.The mission of the Strategic Committee of Industry (CSF) "Electronics Industries" is to identify in a convergent manner the key issues of the sector and mutual commitments between the Governement and the industry, to put forward tangible actions and to monitor their implementation.
The six levers of action of the CSF "electronics industries", as validated by the National Council of Industry (CNI) and formalized in the strategic contract sector signed by Bruno LE MAIRE, support a common ambition: to make the electronics industry even more competitive and, building on its pervasive nature, to lead all of the French industry onto the path of world-wide competitiveness.
As a reference laboratory for national microelectronics and strongly involved in applications through partnerships with numerous industrialists, CEA-LETI has been part of the Strategic Committee of the Electronics Industry since its creation. He brings his vision of R&D roadmaps and structuring topics of innovation for the national industrial fabric, participating in the collective construction effort.
Website: https://www.filiere-electronique.fr/