Download Leti Innovation Days Tokyo presentations
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Could innovations in semiconductors
trigger the Metaverse revolution?
CEA-Leti CEO Sébastien Dauvé is pleased to invite you to Leti Innovation Day Seminar in Tokyo, Japan on October 18th, 2022. As industry demand for a one-stop-shop R&D partner in Europe is increasing, CEA-Leti has invested in multidisciplinary platforms with unique equipments and expertise to successfully develop and disseminate new innovative technologies for industry, bridging the gap between research and business worlds. This will be the 16th edition of Leti Innovation Day in Tokyo, and CEA-Leti's director will be pleased to meet with its partners and explore further collaborations possibilities in Japan.
Sébastien Dauvé |
Michaël Tchagaspanian
|  Eléonore Hardy
Vygintas Jankus
Philippe Robert |
Vincent Barral
Laurent Pain
Vincent Cachard
Eric Mercier
 Olivier Fuchs
| | |
3:30 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. I Executive seminar
R&D boosting Semiconductor momentum
Sébastien Dauvé, CEO, CEA-Leti
Metaverse the next big thing empowered by semiconductor technologies
Michael Tchagaspanian, EVP strategic Partnership
CMOS Compatible Silicon Photonics technologies for High Performance Computing and Data Transmission
Eleonore Hardy, Silicon Photonics Partnership Manager
Next-generation wireless solutions meet emerging demands for low-power data throughput
Eric Mercier, Deputy Head of Telecom & Wireless Department
Advanced Technologies in Displays for Augmented Reality Applications
Vygintas Jankus, Display Partnership Manager
Advanced CMOS & memory-based technologies for future sustainable computing systems
Vincent Barral, Microelectronics Partnership Manager
Healthcare Solutions with Innovative Semiconductor Technologies
Olivier Fuchs, Deputy Head of Micro- Technologies for Biology and Healthcare Division
Cybersecurity: trusting the metaverse and protecting end-users
Vincent Cachard, Head of Cybersecurity Department
Silicon Platform Facilities at CEA-Leti
Laurent Pain, Business Director of the Silicon Technologies Division
Expected Breakthroughs for Sensor and Actuator with MEMS Technologies
Philippe Robert, MEMS Partnership Manager & Senior Expert
5:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. I Networking time with Leti's management and experts |